ContainerOfTaskViewer ObjectContainerOfTaskViewer = new ContainerOfTaskViewer(ClassMainForm); //naming the tasklist. ObjectContainerOfTaskViewer.Name = Convert.ToString(LstTaskBox.Items[x]); //setting the text property of the label in the task list. ObjectContainerOfTaskViewer.Label1.Text = Convert.ToString(LstTaskBox.Items[x]); //adding the task list into the main flow layout panel. FloLayTaskListContainer.Controls.Add(ObjectContainerOfTaskViewer); foreach (Object ObjectContainerOfTaskViewer in FloLayTaskListContainer.Controls) { }I have created an object, and added it to a flowlayout panel. Now I want to go though a loop that goes through each object within the flowlayout panel. How do I do that?
How do I use for each loop in this context correctly?