New to XAML so please be gentle. I am trying to create a simple Ribbon in VS and have written this code:
<RibbonWindow x:Class="MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:r="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon;assembly=RibbonControlsLibrary" Title="MainWindow" x:Name="RibbonWindow" Width="640" Height="480"><Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"><Grid.RowDefinitions><RowDefinition Height="Auto"/><RowDefinition Height="*"/></Grid.RowDefinitions><Ribbon x:Name="Ribbon" Title="Ribbon Title"><r:RibbonGroup Name="Test" ><r:RibbonButton Width="100" Background="Azure" Height="100" /><r:RibbonButton x:Name="RibbonButton" Label="Button" LargeImageSource="Images/Test.jpg"></r:RibbonButton></r:RibbonGroup></Ribbon></Grid></RibbonWindow>
It renders fine in the designer but when I run the project I get an exception:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException' occurred in PresentationFramework.dllAdditional information: 'Provide value on 'System.Windows.Baml2006.TypeConverterMarkupExtension' threw an exception.' Line number '18' and line position '55'.
If there is a handler for this exception, the program may be safely continued.
I have no idea why. I have tried changing the image to no avail and deleting certain types of code but the only thing that make the project run is when I delete LargeImageSource.
Any help would be appreciated.