I am walking through a Windows Workflow from
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff859524(v=vs.100).aspx = Walkthrough: Create a Logging Custom Activity and Deploy it to the FIM Portal
After completing step 3 = Add the following code to RequestLoggingActivity.cs after the class constructor
I get DependencyProperty with red underline.. which is stopping me binding to existing member .. I get the same DependencyProperty with red underline if I use the snippet to create WF dependency property
I am running VS2008 and have added all the R2 references...
I have installed ALL FIM components with FIM Sync, FIM Portal, pwd reg, pwd reset portal all working on the same Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 under windows 8
Stalling at such an early point in exploring workflows (:
Can anyone help please?