hi all of you,
I don't retrieve the jpg file stored successfully in my sql table, I have not idea why
xaml side:
Source="{Binding foto2}"
VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
ada = New SqlDataAdapter("select ord_repalpha,F_Alta, talleres_or.Matricula, foto2 tipo_vehiculo from dbo.Talleres_OR inner join Talleres_Vehiculos on Talleres_OR.Matricula = talleres_vehiculos.Matricula", connexio)
ada.Fill(ds, "Talleres_OR")
Me.lstOR.DataContext = ds
T-Sql stuff (just in case)
update Talleres_Vehiculos
seT foto2 = (SELECT ninot.* FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:\puesto\Talleres\Taller\Imagenes\Vehiculos\Clio.jpg',SINGLE_BLOB) ninot )
where id_vehiculo = 51
need I create a converter for a JPG format???
Primary platform is Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit along with VS 2012/Sql2k8 for WPF and SilverLight stuff