I am trying to Load user controls on Window dynamically and using MVVM architecture for this.To load the user control i am using a property of View model of Window and binding it to ContentControl in Window's Xaml like this :
<ContentControl HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Content="{Binding UserControlViewModel}"/>
Now suppose i have a lo-gin user control to which i am displaying first time in Window's ContentControl, by this user control i am checking authentication, means username and password is correct or not if it is correct, then
1. I want to unload the current lo-gin user control from this view means from ContentControl and want to display
some other User Control or view. so how can i achieve this because authentication is going to be on the click of a
button inside lo-gin user control so from there(means user control's button click) if authentication is correct how can i
change the view model property of window because i think for changing the view of Window inside ContentControl i
have to make changes in the property of Window's View model.
2. If authentication is fail means username or password is not correct, then i want to show some notification in Window
means in Window there is a Text Block to show error message,. So on the click of lo-gin user control's button how can
i send a message or information regarding authentication fail to Parent window. To display on that Text Block.
Ashutosh Tiwari