I have a simple class that is an Observable collection of DirectoryInfo. It is just a list of path names that I display in a Listbox. I define the object like this in the xaml
<local:MyCollection x:Key="MyFolders" DirectoryPath="C:\" />
I also have a user setting defined in the Settings.xml that stores the last selected root path.
My.Settings.DirectoryPath = "C":\Folders"
I use the collection in the listbox like this.
<ListBox x:Name="MyList" ItemsSource="{StaticResource MyFolders}" />
I have a button that allows you to browse to a new Path and sets My.Settings.DirectoryPath
I want bind my settings value to the DirectoryPath property of the collection so when the setting is changes the listbox contents change.
But I can't figure out how to do this?
Jeff Davis