I want to use a realtime twitter stream into my WPF application, i've created an twitter class:
public class twitter { ITwitterAuthorizer auth = doTwitterAuth(); public event EventHandler tweetUpdate; public twitter() { using (var twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(auth)) { Run(twitterCtx); } } static ITwitterAuthorizer doTwitterAuth() { // configure the OAuth object var auth = new SingleUserAuthorizer { Credentials = new SingleUserInMemoryCredentials { ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerKey"], ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerSecret"], TwitterAccessToken = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterAccessToken"], TwitterAccessTokenSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterAccessTokenSecret"] } }; return auth; } public static void Run(TwitterContext twitterCtx) { filteredTweets(twitterCtx); } public static void filteredTweets(TwitterContext twitterCtx) { twitterCtx.AuthorizedClient.UseCompression = false; Streaming cInfo = (from strm in twitterCtx.Streaming where strm.Type == StreamingType.Filter && //strm.Follow == "15411837" //strm.Language == "fr,jp,en" && strm.Track == "#dtv" select strm) .StreamingCallback(strm => { if (strm.Status != TwitterErrorStatus.Success) { Console.WriteLine(strm.Error.ToString()); return; } JsonData data = JsonMapper.ToObject(strm.Content); try { Console.WriteLine(data["text"]); } catch { Console.WriteLine(strm.Content + "\n"); } }) .SingleOrDefault<Streaming>(); } }
It is using Linq to get streaming Twitter data, the response is data["text"], when receiving new data I want to launch the tweetUpdate event and get the data["text"] into the mainwindow.
I can't set a public var from the streamingcallback or launch an event.
Can someone help me with this.