I created a "control group" attached property that should allow me to change the properties of a group of elements in code easily. Basically I have a list of "Groups" defined by a string and adding the attached property to control adds it to the "Group".
Once registered I can then set a property on the group of controls to a value. It works well for IsEnabled but when I tried to use it for Visibility it fails as it says the property is registered as readonly.
The code in the attached property for setting the property value is :
Public Shared Sub ChangeProperty(DPProperty As DependencyProperty, controlGroup As String, value As Object) If ControlList Is Nothing Then Exit Sub For Each GC As GroupControl In ControlList If GC.GroupName = controlGroup Then Dim descriptor As DependencyPropertyDescriptor = DependencyPropertyDescriptor.FromProperty(DPProperty, GC.theControl.GetType()) Dim theval = descriptor.GetValue(GC.theControl) descriptor.SetValue(GC.theControl, value) Dim xxx As Integer = 1 End If Next End Sub
<Grid x:Name="OutPoint" Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="3" Background="LightGreen" local:ControlGroupAP.GroupControl="InOut"
The calling code:
Private Sub whatToEdit_SelectionChanged(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs) If whatToEdit.SelectedIndex = 0 Then ControlGroupAP.ChangeProperty(UIElement.IsVisibleProperty, "InOut", Visibility.Visible) Else ControlGroupAP.ChangeProperty(UIElement.IsVisibleProperty, "InOut", Visibility.Hidden) End If End Sub
The error I get from the attempt to change the property:
"'IsVisible' property was registered as read-only and cannot be modified without an authorization key."
Why would it think that IsEnabled is not readonly and Visibility is?
Lloyd Sheen
To add to the confusion , if I just try to use reflection I can access the property IsEnabled but not Visibility. This makes no sense since in code you can set either property using code.
Dim propv = GC.theControl.GetType().GetProperty("Visiblity") Dim prope = GC.theControl.GetType().GetProperty("IsEnabled")The above code results in propv resulting in Nothing (Null) and prope resulting in a usable PropertyInfo.
Lloyd Sheen