I have a wpf assembly project that, I am using as a global sytle library (i.e. Windows.Styles.dll). So far it contains 2 files CommonStyles.xaml the root class is a resourceDictionary and MyCustomControl.xaml a usercontrol class which is referenced
from an assembly during application start up.
When I reference the CommonStyles.xaml file (i.e. from another assembly), I get an exception when a UserContol that references the style assembly is displayed (Cannot reinitialize resourceDictionay).
<ResourceDictionary Source="pack://Application:,,,/Windows.Styles;component/CommonStyles.xaml">
However when I reference the CommonStyles.xaml file from another assembly in the codebehind of a UserContol no exception occurs.
public partial class CustomView : UserControl
private ResourceDictionary _commonStylesDictionary;
public CustomView ()
_commonStylesDictionary = new ResourceDictionary();
_commonStylesDictionary.Source = new Uri(/Windows.Styles;component/CommonStyles.xaml, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
public void ApplyStyles()
var InputItemsControlStyle = commonStylesDictionary["InputItemsControlStyle"] as Style;
InputItemsControl.Style = InputItemsControlStyle;
Why is that, why does this only work from code behind?