Hi, I am working on a WPF application using Model First EF. In my Database, I have a table named "Client" which has several columns includingClientName and AccountEndDate. Now I want to add a User Control to display ClientDeadline details (dashboard screen example looks like the screenshot). In the screenshot, the ClientNameis the stored ClientName in table "Client"; theDateDue is 9 months 1 day after the AccountEndDate in table "Client"; StageOfCompletion is a dropdownlist which contains choices (work started, review stage, submit);DaysOverdue is how many days over it has gone. The filters can be used to search record byClientName and by date (between two dates). When I click a button, the dashborad screen will come out and display all the records automatically (theStageOfCompletion field dropdownlist should display nothing like ---). When I click each row of record, I can edit the records (e.g. in dropdownlist StageOfCompletionI can choose any of the three values). All the client deadline records should be stored in a table named ClientDeadline in my database. I am a freshman on wpf and I am struggling on this function. Can anyone provide a solution or sample for me? Any suggestions and solutions would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.