I'm trying to drag and drop images from my app to others like Word, Outlook, Power Point... The code that I have now works fine on these apps, but when I try to drop an image to MS Paint it doesn't work. Sometimes I receive a message with path not found showing a path to C:\system32 folder.
PS: If I try to drop an image from Windows Explorer it works, but if I try to drop from Firefox for exemple the same error occurs. This code works fine on Windows 7, but not on Windows 8.
privatevoid clipboardListView_PreviewMouseMove(object sender,MouseEventArgs e){switch(item.Type){caseDashboardItem.ContentType.IMG:string[] fileName =newstring[]{ item.ImagePath};DragDrop.DoDragDrop(listViewItem,newDataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, fileName),DragDropEffects.Copy);}}