Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,
I've been pushing the limits of the WPF 3D capabilities and have read everything I can get my hands on from Mr. Petzold and others on the subject of 3D animation. Here's the goal : I am trying to add a graphics segment to a Texas Holdem project by Niklas Wendel I joined on SourceForge awhile back and want to use WPF and stay away from XNA if possible. I have a 3D card layout built with mesh geometries and diffuse material for the card back and face. I can layout the cards on the table and apply a rotate transform along the Z axis to show each hand and the community cards... What I have been unable to grasp is how to animate the card dealing process from the deck to the various positions on the table (i.e. player1 hole cards, player2 hole cards, the community cards). I need to put an X axis rotation on the card while moving it from the deck to the position on the table ?? Any ideas, suggestions or reference material I may have overlooked ?? Or am I going to have to resort to the XNA game loop to accomplish this ???
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated !!!
Walter Meyer II