I am using Datagrid to edit and delete the row from a Datagrid. I designed checkbox, radio button and combo box using datagrid Template Column, for e.g.
<CheckBox Content="Branch Act"></CheckBox>
<CheckBox IsChecked="{Binding BRANCH_ACT,
UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Mode=TwoWay}" IsThreeState="False"/>
In a design view the This checkbox control contains 2 checkbox option, 1) YES and 2) NO. In database BRANCH_ACT column contains the value Y and N. I have to bind the value in a datagrid when it is loaded and it will change when user will edit in datagrid as
per the requirement, in the same way it should work for combo box and radio button.
kindly suggest me the source code for related to this thread.
Musakkhir Sayyed.