I have a skinnable application where everytime I change my skin new merged resource load itself and old skin is removed.
Every seems to works fine until I have some issues on Width / Height of my elements such as an image and the window itself.
This is my skin_xxx.xaml
<sys:Double x:Key="win_width">366</sys:Double><sys:Double x:Key="win_height">237</sys:Double>
Whenever I change my skin, nothing changes.
The same happens for some of my DependencyProperty of type Double in my custom objects (image or valueconverter inherited), so I wonder what 's the problem.
For example, Opacity value works correctly and changes are visible.
Any help?
Just to be more accurate, image has no problem, while my value converter still has.
It does not update my property
public static readonly DependencyProperty MeterWidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("MeterWidth", typeof(Double), typeof(BarMeterTranslateConverter)); public Double MeterWidth { get { return (double)GetValue(MeterWidthProperty); } set { SetValue(MeterWidthProperty, value); }
Same issue with my main Window.Width and Height property