I've created a WPF vb.net form containing datagrid. Inside of datagrid I have two comboboxes and two textboxes, one combobox textbox pair for articles and another one for services. I should bind first combo to property of List(Of article) type and second to List(Of service) type where article is public class containing two public properties (articleId and articleName) and service is public class containing two public properties (serviseId and serviceName). Textboxes should display article and service names and comboboxes should display IDs. When combo selection is changed textbox text should change its value too.
List(Of article) and List(Of service) should be populated from database.
How could I do this, I know that solution is somewhere around me but can't catch it at all. There are two main problems, binding controls and populatin list from database.
Please help me to solve this situation,