I 'm still with my difficulties as beginner in C # .
I am currently builfing a reader Rss Feed .
When the user enters RSS URL, the RSS data are saved in a database . (DATE , HEADLINES , DESCRIPTION , LINK , SOURE RSS )
I have no problem to do that .. Everything is displayed correctly.
Since I have more 100 or 200 feeds , I had the idea to classify them according to the recent publication date .
- When I recovered the value that is in the <pubDate> tags in the XML file , I try to convert it into a standard format and then to the TimeStamp before saving . and classification works well too.
Here is the code that works very well so far
DateTime sdateValue = new DateTime(); string dateString = ladate[x - 1].InnerText; // string dateoutput; if (DateTime.TryParse(dateString, out sdateValue)) { var timestamp = ToUnixTimestamp(sdateValue); } else { MessageBox.Show(" Unable to parse '{0}'.", dateString); }
The witness, this is what I thought I came across a few RSS that have the following formats:
Wed, 26 Feb 2014 05:27:04 EST
2/27/2014 8:40:16 PM GMT
my code is unable to convert these dates.
I want a function that can convert all formats dates possible
I am doing research I came across some code like this but it does work .
DateTime sdateValue = new DateTime(); CultureInfo culture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("it-IT"); DateTimeFormatInfo myDtfi = new DateTimeFormatInfo(); String[] myPatternsArray = myDtfi.GetAllDateTimePatterns(); string dateString = ladate[x - 1].InnerText; if (DateTime.TryParseExact(dateString, myPatternsArray, culture, DateTimeStyles.None, out sdateValue)) { var timestamp = ToUnixTimestamp(sdateValue); } else { // MessageBox.Show(" Unable to parse '{0}'.", dateString); }
I hope that you can help me to solve it .
- Finally I would ask the same opportunity if there is also a function that would allow you to encode and display other alphabets in my database (eg JAPANESE , Chinese, RUSSIAN ...)
Thank you in advance