I created a class Rtb which is to create a new RichTextBox, below is the constructor and list
newRTB =newRichTextBox();
reqName ="Box"+NextID.ToString();
newRTB.Name= reqName;}List<Rtb> rtbeditor =newList<Rtb>();
I want to click the menu, add a BlockUIContainer, and a new richtextbox inside the blockuicontainer, see below
privatevoid menuReq_Click(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e){BlockUIContainer newBlockUC =newBlockUIContainer();
newBlockUC.Margin=newThickness(50,10,50,10);Bigwin.Document.Blocks.Add(newBlockUC);//Bigwin is a big richtextbox
rtbeditor.Add(newRtb());Rtb newRichTB =newRtb();
newBlockUC.Child= newRichTB.newRTB;}
Then I save it by using XamlWriter, the problem is XamlWriter can not save event, so i have to add the event back when loading it, see below
privatevoidLoadRtfFile(string path){FileStream fs =newFileStream(path,FileMode.Open);FlowDocument doc =XamlReader.Load(fs)asFlowDocument;Bigwin.Document= doc;
fs.Close();foreach(var rtb in rtbeditor)
rtb.MouseDoubleClick+= req1_MouseDoubleClick;//add event to every richtextbox}
But the doubleclick event is not added by this solution, I think the last part of codes has problem. So how to add events to every created richtextbox?