I have to display a pop-up custom keyboard when user touches on a datagrid cell. It works fine when I click on it using mouse but when i use Touch, first touch is neglected. I checked at touch preview event on the target window it is triggered but it does not raise btn1.Click or similar touch events. On a second touch everything starts to work.
This same window when poped-up from a user control works fine without any issues. Touch is accepted on first touch.
Window is displayed as ShowDialog from a 'PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown' event handler in 'DataGridCell'. It almost looks like some bug by WPF. Please look at code below and let me know if you find anything. I already tried window.focus and window.activate and none helped.
I have the following code for event handler in XAML.
<DataGridTextColumn x:Name="SPCol" Binding="{Binding Path=LpSPs,Mode=TwoWay,UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Width="*" IsReadOnly="False" ElementStyle="{StaticResource HollCenterAlignStyle}"><DataGridTextColumn.CellStyle><Style TargetType="DataGridCell"><EventSetter Event="PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown" Handler="EnterSP"/></Style></DataGridTextColumn.CellStyle></DataGridTextColumn>
Here is the event handler
Private Sub EnterSP(sender As Object, e As MouseButtonEventArgs) Try Dim row As DataGridRow Dim dep As DependencyObject = CType(e.OriginalSource, DependencyObject) While dep IsNot Nothing And Not TypeOf dep Is DataGridCell And Not TypeOf dep Is Primitives.DataGridColumnHeader dep = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(dep) End While Dim cell As DataGridCell = sender If (cell IsNot Nothing And Not cell.IsEditing) Then ' If (Not cell.IsFocused) Then cell.Background = FindResource("mBlue") cell.BorderBrush = FindResource("mBlue") cell.Content.Foreground = FindResource("mWhite") 'End If Dim col As DataGridBoundColumn = cell.Column ' find the property that this column is bound to Dim binding As Binding = col.Binding Dim boundPropertyName As String = binding.Path.Path row = Nothing If TypeOf dep Is DataGridCell Then Dim cell1 As DataGridCell = DirectCast(dep, DataGridCell) ' navigate further up the tree While dep IsNot Nothing And Not TypeOf dep Is DataGridRow dep = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(dep) End While row = DirectCast(dep, DataGridRow) End If cell.IsEditing = False 'get row index Dim dataGrid As DataGrid = DirectCast(ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(row), DataGrid) Dim index As Integer = dataGrid.ItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromContainer(row) Dim data As Object = row.Item Dim LpNum = CType(data, LoopParameters).LpId If (SingleView = True) Then If (BF315Unit.Loops(LpNum).LoopType <> clsBF315Loop.LpType.LT_NONE) Then Dim ne = New WinNum(sender) ne.SetExistingValue("Setpoint", BF315Unit.Loops(LpNum).SetPoint) ne.SetLimits(CDbl(BF315Unit.Loops(LpNum).SPLowLimit), CDbl(BF315Unit.Loops(LpNum).SPHighLimit)) ne.Topmost = True If (ne.ShowDialog()) Then Dim val As Single = ne.ReturnValue BF315Unit.ChangeSetpoint(LpNum, val) End If End If End If cell.Background = FindResource("mWhite") cell.BorderBrush = FindResource("mWhite") cell.Content.Foreground = FindResource("mAnthrazit") End If Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.ToString) End Try End Sub