I export data to MS Excel. However, MS Excel shows incorrectly a field which consists entries like "10-14" or "11-14". MS Excel shows "10-14" like "Oct 14", "11-14" like "Nov 14". That is, if entry starts from "0-12", then MS Excel converts this numbers to months.
yeah, I know the way to alter an cell to "Text". Is there the way to assign cells as "Text" programmatically by WPF 2010?
dynamic MSexcel = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.CreateObject("Excel.Application", string.Empty); MSexcel.ScreenUpdating = false; dynamic workbooks = MSexcel.workbooks; workbooks.Add(); dynamic worksail = MSexcel.ActiveSheet; dynamic tt = worksail.Range[worksail.Cells[top, left], worksail.Cells[bottom, right]]; for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) tt.Borders[i].LineStyle = 1; tt.EntireColumn.AutoFit(); dynamic ttHeader = worksail.Range[worksheet.Cells[top, left], worksail.Cells[top, right]]; ttHeader.Font.Bold = true; ttHeader.Interior.Color = 189 * (int)Math.Pow(16, 4) + 129 * (int)Math.Pow(16, 2) + 78; MSexcel.ScreenUpdating = true; MSexcel.Visible = true;