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Print a Visual multiple times on a page



   I have a list of records in my DB. I print a Visual for 1 record on a page in Portrait form. Now I want to print the same Visual 3 times on a single page of 3 records. Thus print 3 visuals in 1 page & all records in multiple pages.

   On searching for the above, I got links to print multiple pages. But I couldn't make up to print my visual (which is an Attendance Chart self created using xaml) 3 times on a single page giving different Y axis for each.

  The code that I use at present to print single record is as follows :

        // Prints attendance of current employee
        private void PrintMe()
            DataRow r1 = mainDs.Tables[0].Rows[totalRecords - 1];
            //PrintLayout2Window plw = PrintUtility.CreatePrintLayout2WindowObject(r1);  // LANDSCAPE 
            PrintLayoutWindowPORT plw = PrintUtility.CreatePrintLayoutWindowPORTObject(r1); // PORTRAIT

            Canvas p1 = PrintUtility.CloneCanvas(plw._PrintCanvas, 5);
            Grid myPanel = new Grid();
            myPanel.Margin = new Thickness(10);

            PrintDialog pd = new PrintDialog();
            pd.PageRangeSelection = PageRangeSelection.AllPages;
            PrintQueue pq = pd.PrintQueue;
            pq.DefaultPrintTicket.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Portrait;
            pd.PrintTicket = pq.DefaultPrintTicket;

            double pageWidth = pd.PrintableAreaWidth;
            double pageHeight = pd.PrintableAreaHeight;

            myPanel.Measure(new Size(pageWidth, pageHeight));
            myPanel.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(1, 1), myPanel.DesiredSize));
            if (pd.ShowDialog().GetValueOrDefault(false))
                pd.PrintVisual(myPanel, "Attendance Chart");

            pd = null;
            plw = null;
            myPanel = null;
            p1 = null;


The above code works perfect. Have added for reference to print the same 3 times on a single page.

Any help is highly appreciated.

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