I want to zoom an a control and i use ScaleTransform and RenderTransformfor doing so .
While zooming the control i need tomake sure Zoom from center of control not from top left, so i useRenderTransformOrigin =0.5, 0.5 .
Now i can zoom the control and zooming happens on the center of the control , now i am facing a problem that scrollviewer placed outside the control is missing after zoom happens and in places it shows that i have to useLayoutTransform instead ofRenderTransform.
So can i use RenderTransformOrigin with LayoutTransform ? if so how can i ?
If not how can i make sure the LayoutTransform scaling haapends on the center of the object(To specify centerX and centerY of the scaleTransform - i am not setting width and height of the control manually. In case of RenderTransform if we use RenderTransformOrigin, it automatically zoom the control from center, anything like this for LayoutTransform otherthan CenterX,CenterY parameters ?)
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