Implement file explorer based on tree view with multiple selection?
Hi All,i am creating one wpf application in this i want to implement one file explorer based on tree view with multiple selection. in this i also want tri state of check box.plz help me.sumitk
View ArticleSelect all checkbox in wpf datagrid
Hi everyoneI have a problem. I have a datagrid and in it I needed to add a checkbox column with a deselect all checkbox on top that is bound to a property in my class object that is of type int and can...
View ArticleWhere to find help for your Walk Through
Hi,I'm stuck trying to get the following walk through : 'Displaying Related Data in a WPF Application' working ( The resulting...
View ArticleAre you a technology guru? Show us your solutions and become Guru of the Month!!
TechNet Wiki is looking for and celebrating the best of the best!Is that you? Do you consider yourself an expert, or authority on WPF?Show us your forum solutions and become MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGY GURU...
View ArticleWPF TreeView parent and child
on my treeview I want to show the request and response values under a value called Parent. How can I create a parent for my request and response values? public ObservableCollection<TreeViewModel>...
View ArticleWPF Datagrid Reset SelectedItem
Hi, i am using a datagrid to edit an observablecollection of persons (binding to Itemssource). I also have a dictionary of persons (same type). So when i write the lastname in a cell i want that after...
View ArticleGet Canvas By Mouse Position, Please Help!
I Have one Large Canvas that takes up the whole screeninside this canvas i have a 20 canvashow can i get the current canvas by the mouse position?i am writing in vb, any help would be greatly...
View ArticleXAML Layout with ListBox datatemplate
I am developing a XAML based app and I have a spacing/layout issue. I currently have my main page as a 1 column grid. I have a ListBox though in which I need my data template to be displayed over 2...
View Articlewpf with ef
Hi every body.I'm using visual studio 2010 for creating wpf application.for the model I use EF in other project as a classlibrary and refrence it to my application.I copied the app.config from the...
View ArticleFloating controls
This is just to illustrate the point, it is not Android related. What approach would you take to make several floating controls that would be absolute positioned and floating above everything else? I...
View ArticleTextBlock TextChanged EventTriger
WP8 App:I have no idea how to implement this: A Textblock its Text is binding to a double number, and if the number is below zero, the Textblock shows in Red forground, the others shows in
View ArticleTextbox binding - how to do validation on PropertyChanged but only...
I have a textbox that is setup for binding like below<TextBox FontWeight="Normal"><TextBox.Text><Binding Path="Students" Mode="TwoWay" NotifyOnValidationError="True"...
View Article'/MyProject;component/Themes/ImageButton.xaml' value cannot be assigned to...
Hi All,Recently I changed a .net 4.0 wpf project to .net 3.5 for some reasons. It works for .Net 4.0. After I compile it successfully for .Net 3.5 I get an error which is...
View ArticleCheckbox resets when dialog result for messagebox is no
So I have a checkbox in my datagrid. I click it and a messagebox opens up: public void Checked(Opcina opc) { opc.Status = 0; if (MessageBox.Show("Želite li ukloniti općinu?","Potvrda",...
View ArticleDataTemplete data binding issue
Hello,I am using DataTemplate as dynamical content resource for a user control and I am also trying to set the user control's DataContext to an ProjectResourceFilterDate object so that the edit can be...
View ArticleWPFanimation issue
hello all, here is my sample code <ProgressBar Orientation="Vertical" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" x:Name="prgTime" Width="50" Height="350" Margin="50" x:Name="prgTime"...
View Articleopen menu item using keyboard shortcut key
I am using NotifyIcon Context menu in wpf, now i wish to open menu item using keyboard shortcut key in wpf...vinod jadhav
View ArticlePerformance UserControl / CustomControl
Hi @ all,I already have searched a lot of sites on the net, but didn't find any solution. The statement is, that there is no performance difference between a UserControl and a CustomControl.But I have...
View ArticleDataGrid Bound to XML not Refreshing
I have a DataGrid bound to an XmlDataSource. Here is my (partial) XML:<Settings xmlns=""><Profiles xmlns="" ActiveProfile="0"><Profile Id="0" Desc="- none -" Port="0" Baud="0"...
View ArticleNot able to fire events from WPF Combo box items after once item is selected?
There is a scenario i am trying to accomplish for quiet sometime, could not find the way to do with Combo Box. I have Combo box which has a DataTemplate containing a button and textblock. The button...
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