Hi All
I've never used InkCanvas
before. What I need is how can I insert or save the content or text written on InkCanvas into SQLite Database at runtime using WPF C#
Plz guide me how can I achieve this
Hi All
I've never used InkCanvas
before. What I need is how can I insert or save the content or text written on InkCanvas into SQLite Database at runtime using WPF C#
Plz guide me how can I achieve this
iam using wpf form ...........
i have an extended control checklistbox .i added values to checklistbox programically
my requirement is :-i added first item is name ="Select All"
if i click select all i want to check all item checked true and opposite also
but i couldnot get item checked event in this control
if any body can solve ? is there is any way to get .
please help me..............................
sorry for bad english
When I try this, the observable collection is not filtered.
CollectionViewSource myCollectionView = new CollectionViewSource(); myCollectionView.Source = myObservableCollection; myCollectionView.Filter += myCollectionView_Filter; cbxNrc.ItemsSource = myCollectionView.View; void myCollectionView_Filter(object sender, FilterEventArgs e) { e.Accepted = (e.Item as MyObject).IsShown == true; }
But when I try it as follows, the filtering works okay:
CollectionViewSource myCollectionView = new CollectionViewSource(); myCollectionView.Source = myObservableCollection; myCollectionView.View.Filter = o => (o as MyObject).IsShown == true; cbxNrc.ItemsSource = myCollectionView.View;
Shouldn't these two pieces of code be equivalent? Why is the former not working?
luck favours the prepared
· Clearly, my point of view is yes on both counts.
WPF is the worst, largest scale mistake in development technology Microsoft has ever made
WCF is the best development technology Microsoft has ever made
I believe that WPF shows a lack of integrity as it is a waste of time, money and effort for the development community and technology consumers world wide. My reasoning is that Microsoft owns the desktop development platform there is no reason for a regression to a mark up language when the WYSIWYG forms platform was high productivity technology. Mark up language development from Microsoft should have been left in the Web domain. I personally have worked for 10 years on very large web sites hand coding mark up language - there was no need for this regression back to almost Mainframe like coding tools on the desktop platform which Microsoft owns.
I believe that this move was regressive, not in the best interests of Microsoft, nor the Microsoft developer community and certainly WPF was not a technology decision of integrity and has not brought productivity improvements for clients.
I would like to start a discussion on this and put it out there in the public domain for sensible and mature consideration by experienced developers with preferably 15+ years experience across multiple platforms and technologies. My personal experience is 20 years starting on Unix C, then VB, Sybase, MSQL, Unix, ASP, ASP.NET, VB.NET, C#, Java, Winforms, WPF, AJAX, MTS, COM, DCOM, Web Services, WCF, SharePoint, BizTalk, Dynamics, MSCRM....
(lstBox1.Template.FindName("scrollViewer", lstBox1) as ScrollViewer).ScrollToVerticalOffset(e.VerticalOffset);
here whenever lstbox2 ScrollViewer.ScrollChanged event is firee, that time i m changing scrolloffset of first listbox, and the same thing i m doing with second listbox also.<ListView x:Name="BrowserListview" ItemsSource="{Binding browserCollection}"><ListView.ItemTemplate><DataTemplate><VirtualizingStackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"><awe:WebControl Source="{Binding mySource}"/><Rectangle/></VirtualizingStackPanel></DataTemplate></ListView.ItemTemplate></ListView>As you can see, my datatemplate has a WebControl and a Rectangle. When the webcontrol is clicked, it has focus instead of the listview, and therefore the IsSelected property of the browserCollection item does not get changed because the notification does not bubble up from the control to the listview. I want to be able to handle the SelectionChanged event of the listview's items. Anyone have any suggestions?
our WPF application uses DataGrid.
One grid column we need base on cell has value or not to decide if make the cell editable.
If cell is empty, not editable. If cell is not empty, make it editable.
The cell is bind to a class. We try to make property to bind to the
IsReadOnly property
public bool IsSampleIdFieldReadOnly { get { return string.IsNullOrEmpty(_sampleId); } }
DataGridTextColumn MinWidth="120" Binding="{Binding SampleId}" IsReadOnly="{Binding IsSampleIdFieldReadOnly}" Header="Sample ID" />
However all cells in the column are editable.
how to achieve that? Thx!
How do I select the entire text when the focus is moved to one TextBox?
There are three TextBoxes. I use <TextBox TabIndex="1"/> to set the order they are selected. When I enter one specific TextBox, I would like to have the entire text selected ... one key stroke removes all of the text in that TextBox.
We use WPF DataGrid. One of columns is combobox. Combo box values are dynamically change base on other cell value.
We have implement following, however. It does not show the initial value in the ComBo Box cell.
If selecting from the dropdown list, selected value will display.
public SampleType SelectedSampleType {get; set;} public class SampleType { public SampleType(string name, EnumSampleType type) { Name = name; Type = type; } public string Name { get; set;} public EnumSampleType Type { get; set;} public override string ToString() { return Name; } }
<DataGridComboBoxColumn MinWidth="160" Header= "SampleType" SelectedItemBinding="{Binding SelectedSampleType}"><DataGridComboBoxColumn.ElementStyle><Style TargetType="ComboBox"><Setter Property="ItemsSource" Value="{Binding SampleTypes}"/></Style></DataGridComboBoxColumn.ElementStyle><DataGridComboBoxColumn.EditingElementStyle><Style TargetType="ComboBox"><Setter Property="ItemsSource" Value="{Binding SampleTypes}"/></Style></DataGridComboBoxColumn.EditingElementStyle></DataGridComboBoxColumn>
Note: the SelectedSampleType is object (class). It will get default values such as
SelectedSampleType = new SampleType("xxx", EnumSampleType.xxx);
However, we do not see the intial value "xxx" show on the cell. If we select "xxx" from the drop down box, "xxx" will display in the cell of Combo Box.
Does anyone know what is reason? Thx!
Hello all,
I'm trying to optimize my rendering code a little and thought that disabling hittesting of my many DrawingVisuals might help. Surprisingly I don't see anything in the documentation about a "IsHitTestVisible" property (or something of the sort) for the DrawingVisual class. Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
Dear all,
We need to build a WPF application in which we need to implement a remote assistance help deks.
The idea is that we need Inside the application to be apple to place a phone call to Lync or Skype to a remote help desk assistant.
Then when connected, we have a live video view of the help desk person where the user can request help from and in addition the remote help person could take control to the application and show user what to do.
Does anyone have any idea how to integrate such feature and which to use Lync, or Skype ?
I'm writing a WPF application to look at XML files and validate them against Schema files.
In the prior WinForms version, I would set the URL property of the WebBrowser control to the path of the file I wanted to open. Regardless of the file extension, it contains pure XML. This worked just fine.
In WPF, the WebBrowser control doesn't have a URL property, so I need to use the NavigateTo() method. If I put in the full name of an XML file, (ie: C:\Folder\file.xml), all works fine. If I put the full name with a different extension (ie: C:\Folder\file.crd), instead of opening in the WebBrowser control, it tries to open the file in the default application for that extension.
Since I know the file will contain well-formed XML regardless of the extension, is there any way to defeat the default behavior and simply open the file in the WebBrowser control? If it's not well-formed xml, no problem, I can handle the exception thrown.
Ron Mittelman
The TranslateZoomRotateBehavior works fine with touch in these circumstances:
But when the behavior is put in the data template of an ItemsControl.ItemTemplate and the control is data bound to a collection, touching to translate, rotate, or scale the item causes very bad shaky interaction while dragging. The shakiness is not seen when using mouse, just touch.
Here is a WPF window with a simple sample data source that reproduces the problem.
Any suggestions?
<Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" xmlns:i="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity" xmlns:ei="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactions" x:Class="DragTest.MainWindow" Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"><Window.Resources><DataTemplate x:Key="DataTemplate1"><Grid Background="#FFE01E1E" Width="100" Height="100"><i:Interaction.Behaviors><ei:TranslateZoomRotateBehavior RotationalFriction="1" TranslateFriction="1"/></i:Interaction.Behaviors><TextBlock HorizontalAlignment="Left" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="{Binding Property1}" VerticalAlignment="Top"/></Grid></DataTemplate><ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="ItemsPanelTemplate1"><Canvas Background="Green" /></ItemsPanelTemplate></Window.Resources><Grid DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource SampleDataSource}}"><ItemsControl ItemTemplate="{DynamicResource DataTemplate1}" ItemsSource="{Binding Collection}" ItemsPanel="{DynamicResource ItemsPanelTemplate1}" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled"/></Grid></Window>
<p>Michael S. Scherotter<br/> Media Experience Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation<br/> <a href="http://blogs.msdn.com/synergist">Blog</a>, <a href="http://twitter.com/synergist"> Twitter</a>, <a href="http://facebook.com/synergist">Facebook</a> </p>
If I hard code it works just fine, if not it doesn't work. Why?
Public Sub CreateSimpleTextColumn(objectToCopy As ObservableCollection(Of DataGridColumn), headerString As String, boundProperty As String, Optional isVisible As Boolean = True, Optional stingFormat As String = "") Dim dataGridTextColumn As New DataGridTextColumn() dataGridTextColumn.Header = headerString dataGridTextColumn.Visibility = If(isVisible = True, Visibility.Visible, Visibility.Collapsed) Dim bindingElement = New Binding(boundProperty)
' Working 'bindingElement.StringFormat = "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"
'doesn't work bindingElement.StringFormat = stingFormat
dataGridTextColumn.Binding = bindingElement objectToCopy.Add(dataGridTextColumn) End Sub
Can't find anything related to this, so there is my entry on this.
Until a few weeks my app would work perfectly with webbrowser control and google maps(With this i mean, my app would show the route between 2 points on a webbrowser control). This week on monday i got a call from a customer complaining about a script error on my app, and that they couldnt see the google maps anymore, and indeed there is a problem, whenever i try to call the webbrowser from code i got a script error window with the information:
Error: InvalidCharachterError
Like i said this have been working so far until this week. I havent found anything on this problem.
Im using wpf with vb.net and on my usercontrol code i have:
Dim URLExample As String = "http://maps.google.nl/maps?f=d&hl=nl&geocode=&saddr=Lijnbaan+3d,+3252CK+Leiderdorp&daddr=3064+HW+Vleutenseweg+386-,+Utrecht&dirflg=h"
web_view.Navigate(New Uri(URLExample ))
that url is just an example. The same url works on both google chrome and Internet explorer without any error, only when is used from the webbrowser control.
Things i have done:
Hide script errors with supress
add maps.google to trusted web sites
enable scripts on browser
change uri function to anotherURI("transparent", url) that i found on this forum(didnt work)
Thanks for reading and i hope you can help me.
Sorry if i sounded rude but i really dont meant to.
EDIT: even by going to https://maps.google.com i got the script error.
Rui Nunes
How do I center multiple lines (each line) on a button?
<Button Content="X" HorizontalContentAlignment="Center" Margin="10, 10, 10, 0" x:Name="gBuRegistrationMsg"/>
gBuRegistrationMsg.Content = "MemoPad has been registered by\n";
gBuRegistrationMsg.Content += "Someone\n";
gBuRegistrationMsg.Content += "To register your own copy, select Help (menu) => Register";
The HorizontalContentAlignment centers everything, not each line.
Error : 'ResourceDictionary' root element is a generic type and requires a x:Class attribute to support the x:TypeArguments attribute specified on the root element tag.
I get this error when i include some namespaces in my ResourceDictionary to specify a Style for a custom control.
Can anyone help me?
<ToolBar Grid.Row="0" ToolBarTray.IsLocked="True">
How do I hide the toolbar in this part ?